Reverence for Life University

Showing Tag: " peace" (Show all posts)

Our Friend Desmond Green

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Thursday, November 28, 2013, In : Various Sharings 
by Andy Skadberg
I posted this on my blog 13lightmessages on March 20, 2012 which happens to be my wife Sarah's birthday.

Dear friends. Let me tell you a little about Desmond. Since I was introduced to him through my dear friend Yvette Dubel over 4 1/2 years ago I have never heard a single negative statement from him. I have not once heard him complain about a person, place or thing. I never heard him gripe about his living situation. I have not read a negative word that has been written o...
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Breathe Freely

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, In : Thought for the Day 
The word God, or playing music, doing sports or performances, thinking, feeling, Being - these are all things that ride on the magic carpet we call the "breath" - connecting with it, contemplating it, appreciating it will bring you home to yourself. And it doesn't require any thing, or thinking, just doing - something that is already happening to you. It's FREE! And, you can trust it.

Join our Fellowship at -

Peace, Love and Abundance,

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My Breath is my universe of original sweetness

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Wednesday, July 24, 2013, In : Thought for the Day 

"My Breath is My Universe of Original Sweetness" ~ Desmond Green

Breathe Deeply, consciously, and let these words soak into the ground of your heart and consciousness. Feel the peace that you already are as you "taste" the deep and satisfying "sweetness" that supports you, and all of life.

- this is the NEW story that replaces the story of original sin, and all of its derivative stories that we see in the world.

With Great Love,


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Becoming Younger -

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Sunday, June 23, 2013,
"To become like a child" - I don't think that is just a nicey, wicey thought. It hit me last night that it is literal. To allow ourselves to drop all of the adult seriousness, to drop the beliefs that imprison us, to release all of the judgements, to allow ourselves to let go of the ideas of aging even. Have you ever thought about the industry of getting old, especially in this country? We are not serving ourselves, or the world well for allowing ourselves to be convinced that life is a progr...

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The Peacemaker - Prayer for Peace - Peace Making

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Friday, June 21, 2013, In : Various Sharings 
Here is a poem I wrote some time back. I also wrote a Prayer for Peace and a short-course that I called Peace Making.

These were inspired from Desmond's "The Practice" but also from my longstanding connection to Mother Earth, or Gaia. Please enjoy these Sharings. Spend some time in Nature, but your feet on the ground and get your batteries charged, and Breathe, deeply, consciously and appreciatingly!

From October 29, 2010

The Peacemaker

All these fragmented perceptions,
are there really any pie...
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RFLU Beginnings

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Friday, June 21, 2013, In : Various Sharings 
I recently met a friend George who asked me when my connection to Breath Consciousness occurred. I was immediately taken back to a message I wrote in my journal when I first met Desmond Green and stayed with him.


Journal entry 4/30/2008: 1:30 am
Pay attention to Desmond. His grasp of consciousness will allow us to tap into the stream of source thought and make a bridge to a new reality. Sort of like in the movie Tron when they are traveling on the light beam that gets disrupted,
but the...
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Posted by Andy Skadberg on Friday, June 14, 2013,
What I woke up with this morning - GREEN, GREEN, It is easy being green. Green heart, healing energies from Gaia. Allow the Green to embrace you. Fall into the Green. Breathe . . .
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