Reverence for Life University

Showing Tag: " thinking" (Show all posts)

Breathe Freely

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, In : Thought for the Day 
The word God, or playing music, doing sports or performances, thinking, feeling, Being - these are all things that ride on the magic carpet we call the "breath" - connecting with it, contemplating it, appreciating it will bring you home to yourself. And it doesn't require any thing, or thinking, just doing - something that is already happening to you. It's FREE! And, you can trust it.

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Peace, Love and Abundance,

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RFLU Beginnings

Posted by Andy Skadberg on Friday, June 21, 2013, In : Various Sharings 
I recently met a friend George who asked me when my connection to Breath Consciousness occurred. I was immediately taken back to a message I wrote in my journal when I first met Desmond Green and stayed with him.


Journal entry 4/30/2008: 1:30 am
Pay attention to Desmond. His grasp of consciousness will allow us to tap into the stream of source thought and make a bridge to a new reality. Sort of like in the movie Tron when they are traveling on the light beam that gets disrupted,
but the...
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